Port Melbourne Congregation

Welcome to Port Melbourne congregation “Sowing Seeds of Hope”

Who we are

We are people from diverse backgrounds and ages who want to learn more about God in today’s world and share the hope given to all in Jesus Christ.

Now we are St Kilda South Port UC

In 2023 South Port Uniting Church and St Kilda Uniting Church merged to become St Kilda South Port Uniting Church - our new website is here

Simply Living Project

Our Simply Living Project began in 2007 with the aim:  As a Christian community we commit ourselves to exploring and engaging in issues of environmental sustainability and stewardship in our inner urban community.

Since then we have changed many of the ways we think and act and were the first congregation in Australia to achieve a Green Leaf Eco-Award, an award re-achieved in 2021.  Outward signs of the project include the bike racks out the front, rainwater tanks, solar panels and the attractive and productive Simply Living Community Garden.  We have also developed a number of community activities around growing and cooking fresh food and sharing skills.

SkillsFest is a program of sharing and celebrating old and new skills for living more sustainably and connecting with our local community.

In the wider world

We also sow seeds of hope through our congregation overseas mission project.  Each year we support two young people in Timor Leste to undertake vocational training and return to work in their communities. This is part of the wider support to the Suai region of Timor Leste provided by the City of Port Phillip Friends of Suai.

Where we are

Worship services are now at South Melbourne, 325 Dorcas St, 10 am Sundays

Simply Living Project (community garden, Make & Mend) and Playgroup  continue at the Port Melbourne church:

144 Bridge St (cnr Nott & Bridge Sts),
Port Melbourne – map
Melway 2J F3

Contact Us

Our ministers are:
Rev Alex Sangster, alisangster@gmail.com
Rev (Deac) John Tansey, john.southportuca@gmail.com